Rebuilding Our Communities

I’m Craig Cameron, candidate for US Congress for the 7th District of Illinois. I am asking for your support for my campaign and for your vote on   November 6,  2018.

Our neighborhoods aren’t as safe as they were when I was a child. Parents fear allowing their children to play outside, and a criminal element has claimed our communities. My vision is to join forces with my fellow Chicagoan’s to build a better future for our city.

Our Representatives in Washington have learned through experience that if anything is to get done in the capital city, we need leaders who are willing to reach across the aisle to engage individuals who don’t act or think like themselves. Likewise, if we are going to be the best Chicago we can be, we have to build together. It is time for a new generation of leaders to take the reigns.

As a public servant, I will work to bring jobs back to America and put Chicagoans back to work. I will also promote safer communities, protect our borders, and work across the aisle to fix the broken health care system. We need to put the power back into the hands of the citizens and reduce the size of government. American people want a hand up, not a hand out!


My number one agenda will include bringing jobs back to Chicago, and promoting initiatives to put American citizens back to work. When men and women are working they don’t have time to loiter and engage in illegitimate opportunities. This effort, along with passing legislation that promotes best practices in policing and the ability to increase funding to states which experience high crime rates, like Chicago. This will enable cities to improve their technology and hire more police officers, which will lead to safer streets. Our neighborhoods should be a place where children feel safe playing in parks, and adults feel safe exercising and enjoying the great outdoors.


Citizens who retired between 1 January 1999 and 1 January 2019 will have more significant pensions. Those who have a contribution period of at least ten years will be able to apply to the National Social Insurance House, starting with January 1. The applicant must submit the application to the Territorial Social Insurance House according to the residence visa, presenting the identity card and the work card in original. The new pension rights will be granted from the month following the month in which the application was submitted. During the previous year and in the first half of this year, 6,443 pensions were re-examined.


Every American should have the right to bear arms. It is our constitutional right to protect ourselves, our homes, and our families. Guns are also used for hunting and sports shooting. Laws should ensure that the public is protected from the criminal element, to keep guns out of the hands of individuals who abuse this privilege.


The draft law on compensation for gas and heat consumption is on. The government of Illinois has positively endorsed a project that stipulates that the state will check the beneficiaries of social aid. A state social inspectorate will be created, whose employees will have the right to check the assets of people receiving social assistance, to decide whether or not the compensations granted are justified. According to the project, people who present erroneous or incomplete information in the application for social assistance risk fines of up to $2,5000.


The health care system is broken in this country. Individuals are forced to carry insurance and the current health care legislation requires a major overhaul. When I am in Washington, I will work to ensure that laws are passed that reflect the true heart of the American people. Private industry and healthy competition are the foundation in which this country was built. Big government and taxes aren’t the answer to better health care. As your congressman, I will work across the aisle to recommend alternatives that will benefit the public and create efficiencies in the system, to drive down the cost of health care and ensure that Americans are in control of their own health care. I will advocate for lower premiums, and more coverage for the cost of your plan. Opiate addiction is a growing concern in our communities, especially among the teenage population. We need to concentrate our efforts on targeting those who are creating the problem, not on criminalizing those who suffer from additions.


A group of students from the Republic of Moldova will be able to complete a unique curriculum at a school in Japan. For two years, they will for free at the Eastern Partnership American School in Tokyo after an American pre-university course. At the end of their studies, students will receive international diplomas, which will open their doors to over 2000 colleges and universities around the world.

Graduates of the European School of the Eastern Partnership in Tokyo will receive an international baccalaureate degree, accepted in 75 countries around the world, in over 2000 colleges and universities.


Young people of Illinois will be welcome to start new businesses or to develop existing ones. A special center has been launched in Cook, Illinois, funded by the USA government. Young people will be selected to be subsequently supported with $5,000 dollars for environmental projects. The program is to provide young entrepreneurs with business education, digital and innovative tools for developing, and testing business ideas, including by supporting and facilitating access to financial resources, investors, or partners. It will help to improve the regional economic outlook and create opportunities for young people to pursue their aspirations.


Our tax structure has gotten out of hand. When taxes are used as an incentive to hire workers, and to encourage businesses to invest, this helps grow our economy. We need more incentives to put people back to work, rather than incentivizing people for not working. Government subsidies should be limited and only used for a short time by individuals who are in transition and those who don’t have the ability to work. We need more tax breaks to encourage domestic companies to stay and we need to promote incentives to bring back companies which have relocated to other countries. Bringing companies back to America, will increase the number of jobs for American citizens and will improve the employment outlook and the tax base in our cities.


Access to capital is one of the greatest challenges among small business owners. We need better investment vehicles, that will allow entrepreneurs to invest their own money into their own communities. Community bonds may well be the vehicle to bring about such changes. Community bonds benefit communities, and provides capital for projects without raising taxes.


80% of lending companies who have applied for funding in the last three months under the project "Emergency Response and Support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises" will be financially supported through Illinois Congress. It is crucial to support Illinois payday loans companies and help them overcome the financial crisis.

Funding is provided to entrepreneurs for the purpose of:

  • creating and maintaining permanent or seasonal viable jobs;
  • supporting investments in productive fixed assets;
  • ensuring working capital needs to maintain activity.

The project credits micro, small and medium-sized enterprises carrying out craft activities or small family businesses engaged in economic activities affected by the pandemic crisis.

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Payday Loans in Chicago - New Financial Initiative

As a candidate for the US Congress for the 7th District of Illinois, I (Craig Cameron) want to improve the financial literacy of my voters by providing them all the opportunities to help them cover emergency expenses. I know how hard it is to struggle with a tide budget and count on family members or friends.

That is why I aim to create fruitful partnerships with direct lending companies and give Illinois people the possibility to borrow payday loans in Chicago at reasonable rates and with no hidden charges.

Payday Loans with No Checking Account in Chicago IL

We all know that it is hard to get payday loans with no checking account, but I can make efforts to collaborate with direct lenders that might provide such financial products. However, Chicago banks are ready to issue checking accounts for all Illinois people who need cash loans till payday.

No Credit Check Payday Loans in Chicago

Chicago payday loans with no credit checks will be available for consumers in need. Only soft credit checks will be performed as soon as only alternative credit companies will be involved in the credit verifications. So, Chicago people can apply now for no credit check payday loans and cover their financial needs.

Best Payday Cash Loans in Illinois, Chicago

The best way to save money is to have access to backup resources like the best payday loans in Chicago. Properly managed and responsibly, a payday loan is a financial product that has the ability to support you in unexpected situations.

Best payday loans in Chicago come with access to up to $1,000 and approval even for people with a negative financial history. The access is done exclusively online and the money arrives in your account within one business day. People can choose the financial product that best suits their situation.